Jorge's Quest For Knowledge!

All About Identity And Security On-Premises And In The Cloud – It's Just Like An Addiction, The More You Have, The More You Want To Have!

(2014-09-17) Finding Conflicting Objects In Your AD

Posted by Jorge on 2014-09-17

You might have seen it in your own AD or in somebody else’s AD, conflicting/duplicate objects. Those objects are exactly same objects that were created on different RWDCs at nearly the same time. After replication kicks and those conflicting/duplicate objects replicate to other RWDCs, AD replication needs to apply its own conflict resolution mechanism to ensure every object is and remains unique.

So, let’s say you create the object "CN=TestObject,OU=MyOU,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM" on 2 different RWDCs at (nearly) the same time. After AD replication has converged you will see the following objects:

  1. "CN=TestObjectACNF:4862d44c-76ab-41b7-bac8-8682900e661b,OU=MyOU,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM"
  2. "CN=TestObject,OU=MyOU,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM"

[1] is the first created object and [2] was the last created object. The last object created is always the one that does not have ACNF:<objectGUID> in its CN/RDN. AD puts ACNF:<objectGUID> in the CN/RDN telling us it is a CONflict object and making sure it is unique in the container where also the other object is in.

The following PowerShell script helps you finding these objects in your AD forest. Based upon the information of the objects you need to determine yourself which of the two objects should be removed and which one can remain in AD.

# Clear The Screen Clear-Host # Checking Number Of Arguments $numArgs = $args.count $arg0 = $args[0] # Discovering A GC Retrieving Its DNS HostName $dnsHostNameGC = (Get-ADDomainController -Service GlobalCatalog -Discover:$true).HostName[0] $gcHostPort = $dnsHostNameGC + ":3268" $dsContextDC = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext("DirectoryServer",$dnsHostNameGC) $dc = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DomainController]::GetDomainController($dsContextDC) # General Execution Of Script If ($numArgs -eq 0) { $listOfConflictingObjects = Get-ADObject -server $gcHostPort -LDAPFilter '(name=*CNF:*)' } If ($numArgs -eq 1) { If ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "computer") { $listOfConflictingObjects = Get-ADComputer -server $gcHostPort -LDAPFilter '(name=*CNF:*)' -Properties pwdLastSet } If ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "user") { $listOfConflictingObjects = Get-ADUser -server $gcHostPort -LDAPFilter '(name=*CNF:*)' -Properties pwdLastSet } } If ($listOfConflictingObjects -ne $null) { $listOfDuplicates = @() $listOfConflictingObjects | %{ $objCNF = $_ $dnCNFobj = $objCNF.DistinguishedName $classCNFobj = $_.ObjectClass $guidCNFobj = $_.ObjectGUID If ($numArgs -eq 1 -And ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "computer" -Or $arg0.ToLower() -eq "user")) { $sAMAccountCNFobj = $_.SamAccountName $pwdLastSetCNFobj = $_.pwdLastSet If ($pwdLastSetCNFobj -ne $null){ $pwdLastSetCNFobj = Get-Date -Date ([DateTime]::FromFileTime([Int64]::Parse($pwdLastSetCNFobj))) -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" } Else { $pwdLastSetCNFobj = "---" } } $objCNFMetadata = $dc.GetReplicationMetadata($dnCNFobj) $objCNFOrigSrv = $objCNFMetadata | %{($_.objectclass).OriginatingServer} $objCNFOrigTime = $objCNFMetadata | %{($_.objectclass).LastOriginatingChangeTime} $dnORGobj = $dnCNFobj.Substring(0,$dnCNFobj.IndexOf("\")) + $dnCNFobj.Substring($dnCNFobj.IndexOf(",")) If ($numArgs -eq 0) { $objORG = Get-ADObject -server $gcHostPort -Identity $dnORGobj } If ($numArgs -eq 1) { If ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "computer") { $objORG = Get-ADComputer -server $gcHostPort -Identity $dnORGobj -Properties pwdLastSet } If ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "user") { $objORG = Get-ADUser -server $gcHostPort -Identity $dnORGobj -Properties pwdLastSet } } $dnORGobj = $null $classORGobj = $null $guidORGobj = $null $sAMAccountORGobj = $null $pwdLastSetORGobj = $null $objORGMetadata = $null If ($objORG -ne $null) { $dnORGobj = $objORG.DistinguishedName $classORGobj = $objORG.ObjectClass $guidORGobj = $objORG.ObjectGUID If ($numArgs -eq 1 -And ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "computer" -Or $arg0.ToLower() -eq "user")) { $sAMAccountORGobj = $objORG.SamAccountName $pwdLastSetORGobj = $objORG.pwdLastSet If ($pwdLastSetORGobj -ne $null){ $pwdLastSetORGobj = Get-Date -Date ([DateTime]::FromFileTime([Int64]::Parse($pwdLastSetORGobj))) -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" } Else { $pwdLastSetORGobj = "---" } } $objORGMetadata = $dc.GetReplicationMetadata($dnORGobj) $objORGOrigSrv = $objORGMetadata | %{($_.objectclass).OriginatingServer} $objORGOrigTime = $objORGMetadata | %{($_.objectclass).LastOriginatingChangeTime} } Else { $dnORGobj = "Does Not Exit" $classORGobj = "Does Not Exit" $guidORGobj = "Does Not Exit" If ($numArgs -eq 1 -And ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "computer" -Or $arg0.ToLower() -eq "user")) { $sAMAccountORGobj = "Does Not Exit" $pwdLastSetORGobj = "Does Not Exit" } $objORGOrigSrv = "Does Not Exit" $objORGOrigTime = "Does Not Exit" } If ($numArgs -eq 0) { $adObj = "" | Select "> > >DN (CNF)..........","objectClass (CNF)......","objectGUID (CNF).......","Originating DC (CNF)...","Originating Time (CNF).","> > >DN (ORG)..........","objectClass (ORG)......","objectGUID (ORG).......","Originating DC (ORG)...","Originating Time (ORG)." } If ($numArgs -eq 1 -And ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "computer" -Or $arg0.ToLower() -eq "user")) { $adObj = "" | Select "> > >DN (CNF)..........","objectClass (CNF)......","objectGUID (CNF).......","Account Name (CNF).....","PWD Last Set (CNF).....","Originating DC (CNF)...","Originating Time (CNF).","> > >DN (ORG)..........","objectClass (ORG)......","objectGUID (ORG).......","Account Name (ORG).....","PWD Last Set (ORG).....","Originating DC (ORG)...","Originating Time (ORG)." } $adObj."> > >DN (CNF).........." = $dnCNFobj $adObj."objectClass (CNF)......" = $classCNFobj $adObj."objectGUID (CNF)......." = $guidCNFobj If ($numArgs -eq 1 -And ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "computer" -Or $arg0.ToLower() -eq "user")) { $adObj."Account Name (CNF)....." = $sAMAccountCNFobj $adObj."PWD Last Set (CNF)....." = $pwdLastSetCNFobj } $adObj."Originating DC (CNF)..." = $objCNFOrigSrv $adObj."Originating Time (CNF)." = $objCNFOrigTime $adObj."> > >DN (ORG).........." = $dnORGobj $adObj."objectClass (ORG)......" = $classORGobj $adObj."objectGUID (ORG)......." = $guidORGobj If ($numArgs -eq 1 -And ($arg0.ToLower() -eq "computer" -Or $arg0.ToLower() -eq "user")) { $adObj."Account Name (ORG)....." = $sAMAccountORGobj $adObj."PWD Last Set (ORG)....." = $pwdLastSetORGobj } $adObj."Originating DC (ORG)..." = $objORGOrigSrv $adObj."Originating Time (ORG)." = $objORGOrigTime $listOfDuplicates += $adObj } Write-Host "" If ($numArgs -eq 0) { Write-Host "LIST OF DUPLICATE/CONFLICTING OBJECTS IN THE AD FOREST" -Foregroundcolor Cyan } If ($numArgs -eq 1 -And $arg0.ToLower() -eq "computer") { Write-Host "LIST OF DUPLICATE/CONFLICTING COMPUTER OBJECTS IN THE AD FOREST" -Foregroundcolor Cyan } If ($numArgs -eq 1 -And $arg0.ToLower() -eq "user") { Write-Host "LIST OF DUPLICATE/CONFLICTING USER OBJECTS IN THE AD FOREST" -Foregroundcolor Cyan } $listOfDuplicates | FL } Else { Write-Host "NO DUPLICATE/CONFLICTING OBJECTS DETECTED IN THE AD FOREST" -Foregroundcolor Green }

The following is an example result when executing the script as: .\Retrieve-List-Of-Conflicting-Objects.ps1


Figure 1: Detecting Conflicting/Duplicate Objects In The AD Forest

The following is an example result when executing the script as: .\Retrieve-List-Of-Conflicting-Objects.ps1 computer


Figure 2: Detecting Conflicting/Duplicate Computer Objects In The AD Forest

The following is an example result when executing the script as: .\Retrieve-List-Of-Conflicting-Objects.ps1 user


Figure 3: Detecting Conflicting/Duplicate User Objects In The AD Forest

Get the PowerShell code from HERE.




* This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights!

* Always evaluate/test yourself before using/implementing this!



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8 Responses to “(2014-09-17) Finding Conflicting Objects In Your AD”

  1. Hello Jorge, and thanks for writing a great and very informative blog 🙂

    I have a question about this particular blog post

    If left alone with AD internal garbage collection remove the duplicate using the tombstone life time settings?



    • Jorge said

      No, those objects will not be removed by AD itself. You will have to delete the “wrong” object yourself, but first you need to determine which of the objects is the “wrong” object. AD just does what it needs to do to make every object unique.
      AD will will only manage objects automatically, using pre-configured lifetimes, after YOU have deleted an object


  2. albertwt said


    If I need to scheduled task this script monthly, what is the minimum permission account I need to use apart from the DOMAIN\Administrator account ?

    Thanks for the script.


    • Jorge said

      this script just queries AD, therefore a regular user account should be good enough


      • vamdev mishra said

        Hello Jorge, as you are also pulling replication metadata in the script so regular account would give you “Access Denied” Message, a privilege account would be required in that case.


        • Jorge said

          Most likely I created and tested the script in my test environment with a high privileged account. Thinking about it, I think you are most likely right


  3. Ranjith Kumar Neelagiri said

    Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for this excellent script.

    needs a small modification on this script, we are thinking to automate and auto schedule this script on our AD database, Could you please share me your input for how to configure email notify when generates CNF account or generate the report in HTML format…?


  4. Ranjith Kumar Neelagiri said

    Hi Jorge,

    While running this code in my environment, i am getting the following error message, could you please check and acknowledge on my query.

    Get-ADObject : This operation returned because the timeout period expired
    At line:17 char:33
    + $listOfConflictingObjects = Get-ADObject -server $gcHostPort -LDAPFilter ‘(n …
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-ADObject], ADException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryServer:1460,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADObject



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