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(2013-02-08) Parsing A CSExport Generated XML File Into A Scoped CSV File

Posted by Jorge on 2013-02-08

I needed to research the CSExport output. However, that’s an XML file and not really helpful in diagnosing the data in it. Converting it to a CSV, so that it can be loaded into Excel is much much better. So after some google magic, I found Carol Wapshere’s script. However, that script had two issues I needed to solve. At first it does not support multi-values and I needed to diagnose the proxyAddresses attribute. And secondly, because the Get-Content CMDlet is being used to read the XML file it chokes if the XML file size is too large. The error can be seen below.


Figure 1: Error Reading An XML File File That’s Too Large With The Get-Content CMDlet

I added logic to the script to also process multi-valued attributes when applicable and instead of using the Get-Content CMDlet, I read the XML file as shown in the script below. I was not able to specify the “MaxCharactersInDcoument” property when using the Get-Content CMDlet. The XML file I was reading was about 500 MB and it contained about 1000000000 characters. The method I use below does not have a limit and allows the configuration “MaxCharactersInDcoument” property if needed.

# Original Script By Carol Wapsphere ( # Script Rewrite By Jorge de Almeida Pinto ( # # Takes an XML file created by CSEXPORT, and produces a CSV file more suitable for opening in Excel. # Supports both single-valued attributes and multi-valued attributes # # Before using the script: # * Define the attributes of interest # * Define the object types of interest. * means every object Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $sourceXML, [string] $targetCSV ) # List Of Attributes To Put In The CSV File. CHANGE THIS AS NEEDED! # The First 5 Attributes Are Available For All Connector Spaces $csvHeaderColumns = @("dn","connector-state","connector-type","mv-guid","object-type","givenName","sn","displayName","mail","mailNickname","legacyExchangeDN","proxyAddresses") # Object Types Of Interest $objectTypes = @("user") # Read The Source XML File [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $xmlCSExportDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument $xmlCSExportDoc.load($sourceXML) # Check If CSV File Already Exists If (Test-Path $targetCSV) { Remove-Item -Path $targetCSV -Force } # Set The Starting Value For.. $csvHeader = $null # Write The CSV Header To The CSV File ForEach ($csvHeaderColumn In $csvHeaderColumns) { If ($csvHeader -eq $null) { $csvHeader = $csvHeaderColumn } Else { $csvHeader = $csvHeader + "," + $csvHeaderColumn } } Add-Content $targetCSV $csvHeader # Get The Information For The Scoped Objects ForEach ($csObject In $xmlCSExportDoc."cs-objects"."cs-object") { If ($objectTypes -Contains $csObject."object-type" -Or $objectTypes -Contains "*") { $csObjectHashTable = @{} $csObjectHashTable.Add("dn",$csObject."cs-dn") $csObjectHashTable.Add("connector-state",$csObject."connector-state") $csObjectHashTable.Add("object-type",$csObject."object-type") If ($csObject.connector -eq "0") { $csObjectHashTable.Add("connector-type","disconnector") $csObjectHashTable.Add("mv-guid","") ForEach ($csObjectAttribute In $csObject."unapplied-export-hologram".entry.attr) { If ($csObjectAttribute.multivalued -eq "false") { $csObjectHashTable.Add($,$csObjectAttribute.value) } If ($csObjectAttribute.multivalued -eq "true" -And $csObjectAttribute.type -ne "binary") { $multivaluedAttrValues = "" If ($csObjectAttribute.value -ne "" -And $csObjectAttribute.value -ne $null) { ForEach ($value in $csObjectAttribute.value) { If ($multivaluedAttrValues -eq "" -Or $multivaluedAttrValues -eq $null) { $multivaluedAttrValues = $value } Else { $multivaluedAttrValues += ";" + $value } } $csObjectHashTable.Add($,$multivaluedAttrValues) } Else { $csObjectHashTable.Add($,"") } } } } Else { $csObjectHashTable.Add("connector-type","connector") $csObjectHashTable.Add("mv-guid",$csObject."mv-link"."#text") ForEach ($csObjectAttribute In $csObject."synchronized-hologram".entry.attr) { If ($csObjectAttribute.multivalued -eq "false") { $csObjectHashTable.Add($,$csObjectAttribute.value) } If ($csObjectAttribute.multivalued -eq "true" -And $csObjectAttribute.type -ne "binary") { $multivaluedAttrValues = "" If ($csObjectAttribute.value -ne "" -And $csObjectAttribute.value -ne $null) { ForEach ($value in $csObjectAttribute.value) { If ($multivaluedAttrValues -eq "" -Or $multivaluedAttrValues -eq $null) { $multivaluedAttrValues = $value } Else { $multivaluedAttrValues += ";" + $value } } $csObjectHashTable.Add($,$multivaluedAttrValues) } Else { $csObjectHashTable.Add($,"") } } } } $csvLine = "" ForEach ($csvHeaderColumn in $csvHeaderColumns) { If ($csObjectHashTable.Contains($csvHeaderColumn)) { If ($csvLine -eq "") { $csvLine = "`"" + $csObjectHashTable.Item($csvHeaderColumn) + "`"" } Else { $csvLine += "," + "`"" + $csObjectHashTable.Item($csvHeaderColumn) + "`"" } } Else { If ($csvLine -eq "") { $csvLine = "," } Else { $csvLine += "," } } } Add-Content $targetCSV $csvline } }

When using the script you need to make adjustments to it before actually using it. This is shown below.


Figure 2: Configuring The Object Types And The Attributes To Be Parsed Into The CSV File

[1] you need to define the attribute list you want to parse in an array. The first 5 attributes are available for all object types in every connector.

[2] you need to define the object types you want to parse in an array.

To execute the script, see below.


Figure 3: Using The Script

.\FIM-Sync-Engine-Parse-CSExport.ps1 -sourceXML <Source XML> -targetCSV <Target CSV>

The CSV file in Excel should then look similar to


Figure 4: The CSV File In Excel

Happy diagnosing!




* This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights!

* Always evaluate/test yourself before using/implementing this!



############### Jorge’s Quest For Knowledge #############

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5 Responses to “(2013-02-08) Parsing A CSExport Generated XML File Into A Scoped CSV File”

  1. Why not use Export-CSV?


  2. sean said

    for some reason $csvheader was filled with extra stuff causing my final header to be 3 times as long as it should be. placing
    right before the foreach $csvheadercolumn line cleaned up the output. i’m not sure what was causing this behavior.


    • Jorge said

      thank you for your feedback. I have adjusted the script to include your feedback. I added the following BOLD lines:

      # Set The Starting Value For..
      $csvHeader = $null

      # Write The CSV Header To The CSV File
      ForEach ($csvHeaderColumn In $csvHeaderColumns) {
      If ($csvHeader -eq $null) {
      $csvHeader = $csvHeaderColumn
      } Else {
      $csvHeader = $csvHeader + “,” + $csvHeaderColumn


  3. Momen said

    Hello, thanks for the good work, how can I add column to the excel sheet to include old value and new value?


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