Jorge's Quest For Knowledge!

All About Identity And Security On-Premises And In The Cloud – It's Just Like An Addiction, The More You Have, The More You Want To Have!

(2014-03-12) Additional PowerShell Scripts For Migrating ADFS v2.x To ADFS v3.0

Posted by Jorge on 2014-03-12

In this article Microsoft explains how to migrate from ADFS v2.x to ADFS v3.0. In this blog post I have added multiple PowerShell scripts to help you migrate as automated as possible.


  • These scripts are freeware, you are free to distribute it, but always refer to this website ( as the location where you got it
  • These scripts are furnished "AS IS". No warranty is expressed or implied!
  • Always test first in lab environment to see if it meets your needs!
  • Use these scripts at your own risk!
  • I do not warrant these scripts to be fit for any purpose, use or environment
  • I have tried to check everything that needed to be checked, but I do not guarantee these scripts do not have bugs.
  • I do not guarantee these scripts will not damage or destroy your system(s), environment or whatever.
  • I do not accept any liability in any way if you screw up, use the scripts wrong or in any other way where damage is caused to your environment/systems!
  • If you do not accept these terms do not use the scripts and delete it immediately!


All scripts can also be downloaded from here.

++++++++++++++ PREPARE ++++++++++

# +++[P1]+++ Create Migration Folders #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\TEMP\Create-Folders.ps1" New-Item "C:\ADFS-MIG" -ItemType Directory New-Item "C:\ADFS-MIG\Config" -ItemType Directory New-Item "C:\ADFS-MIG\Export" -ItemType Directory New-Item "C:\ADFS-MIG\Service" -ItemType Directory New-Item "C:\ADFS-MIG\Web" -ItemType Directory


++++++++++++ EXPORT ++++++++++++


# +++[E1]+++ Output Federation Service Properties (On ADFS STS Only!) #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Output-Federation-Service-Properties.ps1" If (Test-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\Active Directory Federation Services 2.0\Microsoft.IdentityServer.Servicehost.exe.config") { Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.ADFS.PowerShell } If (Test-Path -Path "C:\Windows\ADFS\Microsoft.IdentityServer.Servicehost.exe.config") { Import-Module ADFS } # Record ADFS Service Properties Get-Service -Name ADFSSRV | Select * | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSService.txt Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$ -eq "ADFSSRV"} | Select * | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSService.txt -Append # Record All ADFS Properties Get-ADFSProperties | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSProperties.txt # Record All ADFS Endpoints Get-ADFSEndpoint | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSEndpoint.txt # Record All ADFS Claim Descriptions Get-ADFSClaimDescription | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSClaimDescription.txt # Record All ADFS Certificates Get-ADFSCertificate | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSCertificate.txt # Record All ADFS Claims Provider Trusts Get-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSClaimsProviderTrust.txt # Record All ADFS Relying Party Trusts Get-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSRelyingPartyTrust.txt # Record All ADFS Attribute Stores Get-ADFSAttributeStore | %{ "##########" | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSAttributeStore.txt -Append "Store Name. = " + $_.Name | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSAttributeStore.txt -Append "Store Class = " + $_.StoreTypeQualifiedName | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSAttributeStore.txt -Append "Store Config:" | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSAttributeStore.txt -Append $_.Configuration.GetEnumerator() | %{ " * " + $_.Name + " = " + $_.Value | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSAttributeStore.txt -Append } "" | Out-File C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\ADFSAttributeStore.txt -Append }

# +++[E2]+++ Export ANY CA Issued Certificate In Use By ADFS (On ADFS STS Only!) #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Export-CA-Issued-Certificates-To-CER-And-PFX-From-ADFS-STS.ps1" $privateKeyProtectionPWD1 = Read-Host "Please Specify The Password To Protect The Private Keys..." $privateKeyProtectionPWD2 = Read-Host "Please Re-Type The Password To Protect The Private Keys..." If ($privateKeyProtectionPWD1 -ne $privateKeyProtectionPWD2) { Write-Host "Passwords DO NOT Match..." Write-Host "Aborting..." BREAK } Else { $certype = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::pfx $ADFSCertificates = Get-ADFSCertificate $adfsSvcCommCert = $ADFSCertificates | ?{$_.CertificateType -eq "Service-Communications" -And $_.StoreLocation -eq "LocalMachine"} If (($adfsSvcCommCert | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1) { $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = $adfsSvcCommCert.Certificate.Thumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertName = "ADFS Service Communication Cert (STS)" $adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore = Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | ?{$_.Thumbprint -eq $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint} If ($adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore.HasPrivateKey -eq $true -And $adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.Exportable -eq $true) { $adfsSvcCommCertBytesCER = $adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore.export("Cert") [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes($("C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\" + $adfsSvcCommCertName + ".cer"), $adfsSvcCommCertBytesCER) $adfsSvcCommCertBytesPFX = $adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore.export($certype, $privateKeyProtectionPWD1) [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes($("C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\" + $adfsSvcCommCertName + ".pfx"), $adfsSvcCommCertBytesPFX) } } $adfsTokenSignCert = $ADFSCertificates | ?{$_.CertificateType -eq "Token-Signing" -And $_.StoreLocation -eq "LocalMachine"} If (($adfsTokenSignCert | Measure-Object).Count -ge 1) { $i = 1 $adfsTokenSignCert | %{ $adfsTokenSignCertThumbprint = $_.Certificate.Thumbprint $adfsTokenSignCertName = "ADFS Token Signing Cert (STS) (" + $i + ")" $adfsTokenSignCertInLocalStore = Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | ?{$_.Thumbprint -eq $adfsTokenSignCertThumbprint} If ($adfsTokenSignCertInLocalStore.HasPrivateKey -eq $true -And $adfsTokenSignCertInLocalStore.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.Exportable -eq $true) { $adfsTokenSignCertBytesCER = $adfsTokenSignCertInLocalStore.export("Cert") [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes($("C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\" + $adfsTokenSignCertName + ".cer"), $adfsTokenSignCertBytesCER) $adfsTokenSignCertBytesPFX = $adfsTokenSignCertInLocalStore.export($certype, $privateKeyProtectionPWD1) [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes($("C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\" + $adfsTokenSignCertName + ".pfx"), $adfsTokenSignCertBytesPFX) } $i += 1 } } $adfsTokenEncryptCert = $ADFSCertificates | ?{$_.CertificateType -eq "Token-Decrypting" -And $_.StoreLocation -eq "LocalMachine"} If (($adfsTokenEncryptCert | Measure-Object).Count -ge 1) { $j = 1 $adfsTokenEncryptCert | %{ $adfsTokenEncryptCertThumbprint = $_.Certificate.Thumbprint $adfsTokenEncryptCertName = "ADFS Token Encryption Cert (STS) (" + $j + ")" $adfsTokenEncryptCertInLocalStore = Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | ?{$_.Thumbprint -eq $adfsTokenEncryptCertThumbprint} If ($adfsTokenEncryptCertInLocalStore.HasPrivateKey -eq $true -And $adfsTokenEncryptCertInLocalStore.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.Exportable -eq $true) { $adfsTokenEncryptCertBytesCER = $adfsTokenEncryptCertInLocalStore.export("Cert") [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes($("C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\" + $adfsTokenEncryptCertName + ".cer"), $adfsTokenEncryptCertBytesCER) $adfsTokenEncryptCertBytesPFX = $adfsTokenEncryptCertInLocalStore.export($certype, $privateKeyProtectionPWD1) [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes($("C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\" + $adfsTokenEncryptCertName + ".pfx"), $adfsTokenEncryptCertBytesPFX) } $j += 1 } } }

# +++[E3]+++ Export The ADFS v2.x Configuration To XML Files (On ADFS STS Only!) #Get PoSH Script From W2K12R2 Media (Folder: <CD>\Support\Adfs) Or Folder C:\Windows\Adfs After Installation ADFS Role #Copy Script To Folder "C:\ADFS-MIG" On Source ADFS Server C:\ADFS-MIG\Export-FederationConfiguration.ps1 -Path C:\ADFS-MIG\Export

# +++[E4]+++ Copy The ADFS v2.x Web Configuration Files (On ADFS STS And ADFS Proxy!) #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Copy-ADFS-Web-Server-Configuration-Files.ps1" Import-Module WebAdministration $adfsWebPath = (Get-WebApplication "adfs/ls").PhysicalPath Copy-Item $($adfsWebPath + "\*") "C:\ADFS-MIG\Web" -Recurse

# +++[E5]+++ Copy The ADFS v2.x Service Configuration Files (On ADFS STS And ADFS Proxy!) #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Copy-ADFS-Web-Service-Configuration-File.ps1" If (Test-Path -Path "C:\Program Files\Active Directory Federation Services 2.0\Microsoft.IdentityServer.Servicehost.exe.config") { Copy-Item "C:\Program Files\Active Directory Federation Services 2.0\*") "C:\ADFS-MIG\Service" -Recurse } If (Test-Path -Path "C:\Windows\ADFS\Microsoft.IdentityServer.Servicehost.exe.config") { Copy-Item "C:\Windows\ADFS\*") "C:\ADFS-MIG\Service" -Recurse }

# +++[E6]+++ Export ANY CA Issued Certificate In Use By ADFS (On ADFS Proxy Only!) #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Export-CA-Issued-Certificates-To-CER-And-PFX-From-ADFS-PRX.ps1" $privateKeyProtectionPWD1 = Read-Host "Please Specify The Password To Protect The Private Keys..." $privateKeyProtectionPWD2 = Read-Host "Please Re-Type The Password To Protect The Private Keys..." If ($privateKeyProtectionPWD1 -ne $privateKeyProtectionPWD2) { Write-Host "Passwords DO NOT Match..." Write-Host "Aborting..." BREAK } Else { $certype = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::pfx $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = (Get-WebBinding "Default Web Site" -protocol https).certificateHash $adfsSvcCommCertName = "ADFS Service Communication Cert (PRX)" $adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore = Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | ?{$_.Thumbprint -eq $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint} If ($adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore.HasPrivateKey -eq $true -And $adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.Exportable -eq $true) { $adfsSvcCommCertBytesCER = $adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore.export("Cert") [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes($("C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\" + $adfsSvcCommCertName + ".cer"), $adfsSvcCommCertBytesCER) $adfsSvcCommCertBytesPFX = $adfsSvcCommCertInLocalStore.export($certype, $privateKeyProtectionPWD1) [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes($("C:\ADFS-MIG\Config\" + $adfsSvcCommCertName + ".pfx"), $adfsSvcCommCertBytesPFX) } }


++++++++++++ CREATE/JOIN/CONFIGURE ADFS ++++++++++++


# +++[C1]+++ Create ADFS Farm Using WID And ADFS Managed Self-Signed Certificates #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Create-ADFS-Farm-WID-Self-Signed-Certs.ps1" $adfsSvcFQDN = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The Federation Service..." $adfsSvcName = Read-Host "Please Specify The Display Name Of The Federation Service..." $adfsSvcCreds = Get-Credential Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | FT Thumbprint,Subject,FriendlyName -Autosize -Wrap $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Service Communication Certificate" Add-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation Install-AdfsFarm -OverwriteConfiguration:$true -FederationServiceName $adfsSvcFQDN -FederationServiceDisplayName $adfsSvcName -ServiceAccountCredential $adfsSvcCreds -CertificateThumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint | FL

# +++[C2]+++ Create ADFS Farm Using WID And CA Issued Certificates #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Create-ADFS-Farm-WID-CA-Issued-Certs.ps1" $adfsSvcFQDN = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The Federation Service..." $adfsSvcName = Read-Host "Please Specify The Display Name Of The Federation Service..." $adfsSvcCreds = Get-Credential Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | FT Thumbprint,Subject,FriendlyName -Autosize -Wrap $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Service Communication Certificate" Add-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation Install-AdfsFarm -OverwriteConfiguration:$true -FederationServiceName $adfsSvcFQDN -FederationServiceDisplayName $adfsSvcName -ServiceAccountCredential $adfsSvcCreds -CertificateThumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint -SigningCertificateThumbprint $adfsTokenSignCertThumbprint -DecryptionCertificateThumbprint $adfsTokenEncryptCertThumbprint | FL

# +++[C3]+++ Create ADFS Farm Using SQL And ADFS Managed Self-Signed Certificates #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Create-ADFS-Farm-SQL-Self-Signed-Certs.ps1" $adfsSvcFQDN = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The Federation Service..." $adfsSvcName = Read-Host "Please Specify The Display Name Of The Federation Service..." $adfsSvcCreds = Get-Credential $sqlServerInstance = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The SQL Server And SQL Instance..." $sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=$sqlServerInstance;Initial Catalog=AdfsConfiguration;Integrated Security=True" Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | FT Thumbprint,Subject,FriendlyName -Autosize -Wrap $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Service Communication Certificate" Add-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation Install-AdfsFarm -OverwriteConfiguration:$true -FederationServiceName $adfsSvcFQDN -FederationServiceDisplayName $adfsSvcName -ServiceAccountCredential $adfsSvcCreds -SQLConnectionString $sqlConnectionString -CertificateThumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint | FL

# +++[C4]+++ Create ADFS Farm Using SQL And CA Issued Certificates #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Create-ADFS-Farm-SQL-CA-Issued-Certs.ps1" $adfsSvcFQDN = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The Federation Service..." $adfsSvcName = Read-Host "Please Specify The Display Name Of The Federation Service..." $adfsSvcCreds = Get-Credential $sqlServerInstance = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The SQL Server And SQL Instance..." $sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=$sqlServerInstance;Initial Catalog=AdfsConfiguration;Integrated Security=True" Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | FT Thumbprint,Subject,FriendlyName -Autosize -Wrap $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Service Communication Certificate" $adfsTokenSignCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Token Signing Certificate" $adfsTokenEncryptCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Token Encryption Certificate" Add-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation Install-AdfsFarm -OverwriteConfiguration:$true -FederationServiceName $adfsSvcFQDN -FederationServiceDisplayName $adfsSvcName -ServiceAccountCredential $adfsSvcCreds -SQLConnectionString $sqlConnectionString -CertificateThumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint -SigningCertificateThumbprint $adfsTokenSignCertThumbprint -DecryptionCertificateThumbprint $adfsTokenEncryptCertThumbprint | FL

# +++[C5]+++ Join ADFS Farm Using WID And ADFS Managed Self-Signed Certificates #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Join-ADFS-Farm-WID-Self-Signed-Certs.ps1" $adfsSvcCreds = Get-Credential $adfsPrimaryServer = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The Primary Server..." Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | FT Thumbprint,Subject,FriendlyName -Autosize -Wrap $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Service Communication Certificate" Add-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation Add-AdfsFarmNode -PrimaryComputerName $adfsPrimaryServer -ServiceAccountCredential $adfsSvcCreds -CertificateThumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint | FL

# +++[C6]+++ Join ADFS Farm Using WID And CA Issued Certificates #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Join-ADFS-Farm-WID-CA-Issued-Certs.ps1" $adfsSvcCreds = Get-Credential $adfsPrimaryServer = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The Primary Server..." Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | FT Thumbprint,Subject,FriendlyName -Autosize -Wrap $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Service Communication Certificate" Add-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation Add-AdfsFarmNode -PrimaryComputerName $adfsPrimaryServer -ServiceAccountCredential $adfsSvcCreds -CertificateThumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint | FL

# +++[C7]+++ Join ADFS Farm Using SQL And ADFS Managed Self-Signed Certificates #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Join-ADFS-Farm-SQL-Self-Signed-Certs.ps1" $adfsSvcCreds = Get-Credential $sqlServerInstance = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The SQL Server And SQL Instance..." $sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=$sqlServerInstance;Initial Catalog=AdfsConfiguration;Integrated Security=True" Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | FT Thumbprint,Subject,FriendlyName -Autosize -Wrap $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Service Communication Certificate" Add-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation Add-AdfsFarmNode -SQLConnectionString $sqlConnectionString -ServiceAccountCredential $adfsSvcCreds -CertificateThumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint | FL

# +++[C8]+++ Join ADFS Farm Using SQL And CA Issued Certificates #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Join-ADFS-Farm-SQL-CA-Issued-Certs.ps1" $adfsSvcCreds = Get-Credential $sqlServerInstance = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The SQL Server And SQL Instance..." $sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=$sqlServerInstance;Initial Catalog=AdfsConfiguration;Integrated Security=True" Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | FT Thumbprint,Subject,FriendlyName -Autosize -Wrap $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Service Communication Certificate" Add-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation Add-AdfsFarmNode -SQLConnectionString $sqlConnectionString -ServiceAccountCredential $adfsSvcCreds -CertificateThumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint | FL

# +++[C9]+++ Install And Configure Web Application Proxy #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Install-And-Configure-Web-Application-Proxy.ps1" Add-WindowsFeature Web-Application-Proxy -IncludeManagementTools $adfsSvcFQDN = Read-Host "Please Specify The FQDN Of The Federation Service..." $adfsAdminCreds = Get-Credential Get-ChildItem -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | FT Thumbprint,Subject,FriendlyName -Autosize -Wrap $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint = Read-Host "Please Specify The Thumbprint Of The Service Communication Certificate" Install-WebApplicationProxy -FederationServiceName $adfsSvcFQDN -FederationServiceTrustCredential $adfsAdminCreds -CertificateThumbprint $adfsSvcCommCertThumbprint | FL

# +++[C10]+++ Add/Publish Web Applications Through Web Application Proxy Get-WebApplicationProxyApplication --> Get-WebApplicationProxyAvailableADFSRelyingParty --> Add-WebApplicationProxyApplication -->


++++++++++++ IMPORT ++++++++++++


# +++[I1]+++ Import ANY CA Issued Certificate In Use By ADFS (On ADFS STS Only!) (Only Works On W2K12R2!!!) #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Import-CA-Issued-Certificates-Into-ADFS-STS-Local-Cert-Store.ps1" $privateKeyProtectionPWD = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $(Read-Host "Please Specify The Password Protecting The Private Keys...") -Force –AsPlainText $adfsSvcCommCertPFXFile = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\ADFS-MIG\Config' -Filter 'ADFS Service Communication Cert (STS).pfx' If (($adfsSvcCommCertPFXFile | Measure-Object).Count -ge 1) { Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $($adfsSvcCommCertPFXFile.FullName) -CertStoreLocation 'cert:\localMachine\my' –Exportable -Password $privateKeyProtectionPWD } $adfsTokenSignCertPFXFile = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\ADFS-MIG\Config' -Filter 'ADFS Token Signing Cert (STS)*.pfx' If (($adfsTokenSignCertPFXFile | Measure-Object).Count -ge 1) { $adfsTokenSignCertPFXFile | %{Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $($_.FullName) -CertStoreLocation 'cert:\localMachine\my' –Exportable -Password $privateKeyProtectionPWD} } $adfsTokenEncryptCertPFXFile = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\ADFS-MIG\Config' -Filter 'ADFS Token Encryption Cert (STS)*.pfx' If (($adfsTokenEncryptCertPFXFile | Measure-Object).Count -ge 1) { $adfsTokenEncryptCertPFXFile | %{Import-PfxCertificate $($_.FullName) -CertStoreLocation 'cert:\localMachine\my' –Exportable -Password $privateKeyProtectionPWD} }

# +++[I2]+++ Import The ADFS v2.x Configuration From The XML Files Into ADFS v3.0 #Get PoSH Script From W2K12R2 Media (Folder: <CD>\Support\Adfs) Or Folder C:\Windows\Adfs After Installation ADFS Role #Copy Script To Folder "C:\ADFS-MIG" On Source ADFS Server C:\ADFS-MIG\Import-FederationConfiguration.ps1 -Path C:\ADFS-MIG\Export

# +++[I3]+++ Import ANY CA Issued Certificate In Use By ADFS (On ADFS Proxy/WAP Only!) (Only Works On W2K12R2!!!) #SCRIPT NAME --> "C:\ADFS-MIG\Import-CA-Issued-Certificates-Into-ADFS-PRX-Local-Cert-Store.ps1" $privateKeyProtectionPWD = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $(Read-Host "Please Specify The Password Protecting The Private Keys...") -Force –AsPlainText $adfsSvcCommCertPFXFile = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\ADFS-MIG\Config' -Filter 'ADFS Service Communication Cert (PRX).pfx' If (($adfsSvcCommCertPFXFile | Measure-Object).Count -ge 1) { Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $($adfsSvcCommCertPFXFile.FullName) -CertStoreLocation 'cert:\localMachine\my' –Exportable -Password $privateKeyProtectionPWD }

A while back I also found a blog post with PowerShell script to quickly deploy both ADFS v3.0 and WAP. You can find that blog post here.




* This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights!

* Always evaluate/test yourself before using/implementing this!



############### Jorge’s Quest For Knowledge #############

######### ########


6 Responses to “(2014-03-12) Additional PowerShell Scripts For Migrating ADFS v2.x To ADFS v3.0”

  1. […] With regards to migrating ADFS v2.x to ADFS v3.0, also have a look at (2014-03-12) Additional PowerShell Scripts For Migrating ADFS v2.x To ADFS v3.0 […]


  2. […]; […]


  3. […] (2014-03-12) Additional PowerShell Scripts For Migrating ADFS v2.x To ADFS v3.0 […]


  4. […] The only way to go from SQL to WID is to export all the settings/configurations from ADFS on SQL and import that again into ADFS on WID. Also see:; […]


  5. dimitri goossens said

    Hi Jorge!
    Thanks a lot for the scripts!!
    We’re going to perform a migration from ADFS 2.0 to ADFS 4.0.
    The 2.0 is installed with a local SQL, and we’d like to move away to a WID.
    Will your scripts still work for migrating to ADFS 4.0 as well?
    Unfortunately no info at all is available from technet for this specific case..


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